We Tried it Once, We Will Never Try Again

Let’s talk one particular conversation with a brand at the Expo Hall.  I won’t name any names. If you were there, I’m sure you will know who I am talking about.

I will give them a little benefit of the doubt as it was 15 minutes until the Expo Hall was shut down for the conference. Maybe they just didn’t care at that point. Drink our darn smoothies and just keep moving!

However, I still left a little sour and felt like my thoughts were completely discarded. Maybe, they were low paying interns or people hired just to pass out the smoothies. I don’t know but the conversation went a little like this…

I asked if they had ever considered a veggie burger at this particular fast food restaurant. I would LOVE to have some other options than a salad without chicken as it is a place my kids love to go. Also, I do love their Frappes and Iced Tea.

I was told “We’ve tried that in the past and it didn’t work.” End of conversation.

Okay, I guess I’ll stick with the only fast food restaurant that offers a Veggie Burger if I want to eat out.  Geesh, sorry for asking.

The question then becomes should companies never try things they have tried in the past? Most of their meat probably has a ton of fillers in it so I guess maybe that’s what they were talking about? 😉

Personally, I think  it depends on the timing and the market. It seems to me that more and more people are moving to meat less options. Maybe, they tried it 10 years ago. However, wouldn’t it make sense to re-evaluate those decision once in awhile, right?

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